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Given the circumstances in which it is carried out, the interpretation is:


Conference - translation in front of a broad audience in connection with organized official events - conferences, seminars, symposia, and other forms of a similar nature. It is carried out in the above conditions (consecutive or simultaneous).


Accompanying translation ensures your smooth daily communication in a foreign language environment or is in connection with the conduct of specific meetings or transactions involving foreigners.

It is impossible to describe exhaustively all possible situations in which this type of translation might be necessary, but some of the most common are:

- welcoming, traveling, and accommodating foreign guests;

- conducting business meetings and making contacts with foreigners;

- accompanying foreigners and assisting in meetings, contacts, shopping, etc .;

- conclusion of notarial transactions, signature and notarization of documents by a Bulgarian notary with the participation of a foreigner in the notarial proceedings;

- any other situation requiring the use of a foreign language.



For an interpretation offer, please get in touch with us by phone or email.

We want to provide our clients with this immediacy in communicating in foreign languages. We pay special attention to our work in the field of interpretation.


According to the peculiarities of translation, we distinguish two main types of interpretation:


Consecutive - in which the speaker pauses briefly in his speech, during which the translator translates the address before the pause into the relevant foreign language.


Simultaneous - translation at the moment of speaking, in which there are no pauses or delays in speech. It is used at organized events and provides special equipment - booths, microphones, and headphones. This type of translation requires solid concentration and workload, so the translation is performed in a team of at least two translators.

Image by You X Ventures
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